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Leipzig – Am Montagmorgen wurde in der Leipzig Inner City a Schuljunge of a Radfahrer-überrollt. Der Unfallverursacher flüchtete – das Kind was lost!
Der Unfall ended up in the Leipzig police at 8 o’clock in the Innenstadt. A Schulklasse überquerte in Doppelreihe die Goethestraße op de Weg zur Oper.
An undisputed Radfahrer war with the Zeitpunkt in the Richtung Bahnhof-en route, erfasste one of the children and the overflow. If you make a piece of cake, there is something else going on than Unfallort.
Der Junge would be a verlet and a must for the medical treatment in a Krankenhaus that was established.
The traffic accident service after the accident on unintended roads prevents accidents and damage.
Sows of the Vorfalls were bitten, in person with Hinweisen and the Verkehrspolizeiinspektion Leipzig in der Schongauerstraße 13 in 04328 Leipzig or by telephone 03412552850 (tagsüber) oder 03412552910so turn.
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